Monday, February 10, 2014

Robbo V Banksy

  You can find any kind of graffiti documentary these days.  Graffiti documentaries go as far back as the early 80's when the classic 'Style Wars' was released.  Style Wars has laid the foundation for generations of videos to come out for decades to come.  It is a must watch for any new beginning graffiti artist and even to revisit for veterans.  Hidden in the depths of the internet is a BBC documentary titled, 'Robbo vs Banksy- Graffiti Wars'.  Many people have seen the popular 'Exit Through the Gift Shop" which has added to Banksy's fame and mysterious image.  However, not many people are familiar with who Robbo is.  This in depth documentary is compelling with real interviews from Robbo himself.  Interviews are also given from other prolific graffiti artists regarding the feud between Robbo and Banksy explaining why this feud continues.

Many graffiti artists and street artists fight this kind of a battle every time they discuss what is "real graffiti art".  This is a well done documentary and helps to walk you through the steps one by one on how this graffiti drama unfolded.  The climatic ending is a twist that you won't see coming and leave you with more questions than answers.  One important question you will have to answer is, are you Team Robbo or Team Banksy?  

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