Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wu Wednesday

Heres another dope chill hip-hop track. Sampling the greats and the samples of Mary Jane, how can you not enjoy this track...

maple syrup - san jose

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wu Wednesday

Been on a super chill vibe lately... this hit the spot... enjoy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday's Underground Lowdown

Ok, so this is a good little video of some history of graffiti. Cool old footage and shots of a time what seems now forgotten in graffiti history.

The video does a pretty good job going through the timeline of the history of graffiti putting nearly 30 years inside of a 15 minute video. Not sure how much of it is 100% accurate, a lot of it seems to be given our own knowledge but we didn't do any research on their exact time line claims.

Our only issue is the narrator's voice, it is not exactly something you can listen to for 15 minutes and then want to listen to again, ha-ha. Some more real video footage would have been helpful too.

Our apologies to the narrator but we're not going to sugar coat it. We know how difficult it is to put a video together and we respect the work and any research they did. However, maybe use a better mic and throw some background music in too. 

(7 out of 10)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wu Wednesday

Video is grainy and a bit rough but it's the early 90's on a home video camera so deal with it.  It's just raw, realdeal footage of the Wu Tang Clan. We enjoyed it... well most of it, like we said, it's a bit rough, ha-ha.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Wu Wednesday

Our attitudes about what people think... seriously we're doing this for the love of the game.  Graffiti is not to be bought and sold but it is to be shared. Our prints profit is to the artists themselves who have put in decades of work to get where they are. Any profits we collect is reinvested to the next generation of prints. We have big-big plans for the graffiti world but see miles ahead of us to get where we want to be.

Enjoy this track because we think it's ill!

B-Side - I don't give a fuck (chillhop music collection)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Style vs Fills

Not sure if it is only an internal debate within Graff Inc or if it is a debate within all of the graffiti community. However we sure debate it from time to time what makes a dope piece. Some say it takes style alone and others say its fills and background.

Style is important, we're not saying it only takes crazy dope fills. The argument is that there are some "dope" writers that have mediocre or questionable style (no, we're not naming any) but can crush their fills and background. Those writers get a lot of credit but why isn't the lack of style recognized? Some of us say that as long as you got your own style and you get up while producing dope pieces if only the fills and such pull it together, than let it be. Others say it's only and all in the style.

This RAYS piece we sort of think finishes that debate (no not really). But! We are as close as ever before, ha-ha.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Graffiti Caps

Seriously, what is with all of the different caps these days? Do we really need 8 different kinds of skinny caps? Perhaps we'll sound old by saying this but back in my day we only had 4 different caps to choose from, ha-ha.  What we are saying is, if you can't put together a clean piece with 2-3 different kind of caps, you're not gonna do it with 6 other caps.

If a new cap is going to be released, let it be innovative. Give us a game changer, something we can use in a way like no other cap has been used. Who has time to buy all these different style of caps and try them out? Let's be honest, you find a cap, you're basically sticking with it for life as you would with your favorite brand of toothpaste. There might be something better out there but you're not going to be going off brand.

Besides, how are you going to be making all these caps and let NY Thins be discontinued? ...who does that?

Thursday, July 25, 2019

**NEW** RELEASE - ESKAE - Series 1 / Print 1 - Graff Inc's Limited Signed Prints

Just premiered today!

We put together this video to showcase and promote these awesome prints. Each is signed and numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity signed by ESKAE.

These are limited and only 40 ever printed.

Get yours today!!!

ESKAE - Series 1 / Print 1